Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Baby Bump Bridesmaid Debuts

We have been really busy this year with a ton of weddings, and we also did a major remodel on our house.  We added a bathroom and walk-in closet onto our master bedroom, so our house has been in a constant state of chaos.  But they are done now, so we are starting to get re-settled.  We were able to move back into our bedroom, and now I can start getting the nursery ready!  I can't believe our baby will be here in 2 and a half more months.  Jason and I are sooo excited!  We haven't picked out any names yet, but we do have 6 or 7 that are in the running, and we will probably wait to pick one until after we have seen her.  We want to make sure that the name will fit her!  I'm sorry to say that neither September or Johanna are in the running, but maybe for the next baby!  :)  I was actually just out in DC visiting my sister who had her baby.  I've gotta say, my new niece is the cutest baby in the world--they named her Rachel Stephanie Saley and she is just adorable.  It made me even more excited for our little arrival.

You, Me, and Bump makes Three!