Friday, February 25, 2011

News From San Diego

Hi everyone,
I meant to get in touch with you all much sooner, but I have just been really tired, so I apologize for telling you so late.  But anyways, without further ado, Jason and I are very happy to let you know that we are pregnant!!!  I am due in the middle of August, and starting to get a little belly.  I have told a lot of people at work, but other people who don't know are starting to ask, so I guess it is getting obvious.  Luckily I haven't had any morning sickness, I've just been really tired, but that is slowly getting better.  So, I feel lucky that things have been so easy this far.  We don't know the sex yet, but are definitely going to find out at our appointment at the end of March, so I will be sure to let you all know.
Anyways, Jason and I really happy and ready for this next stage in our lives, so we wanted to share our happiness with all of you!
Hope you all are doing well, and I miss you guys!

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